Aum Nicol
Joy of Infinite Possibilities

About This Page
Vision: a humanity that has a mindset that considers the Highest Good For All in everyday interactions and decision-making.
Mission: to list and highlight local individuals, community and global movements whose aim is to empower, inspire and educate citizens on right and good action through empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Join Our Community
-Did you write a book? Why? What is it about?
-Do you have a podcast?
-Is your mission about empathy, compassion and self-realization, helping children or adults to build good morals and integrity?
-Do you help the environment, are an advocate for animals and those who do not have a voice?
Contact Aum Nicol at aumnicol@sunarapress.com with information on how you are sharing your light to your community and our world. You could be highlighted on this page!
Look at the Lights Around Us
Listed Below

Candace McKim
Author, TEDx speaker and founder of the Intuitive Coaching Academy’s online training and Ignite Business Training for Soulpreneurs
Candace has spent decades combining her Social Work background with Yoga & Chakra Therapy into a form of intuitive teachings.
Candace’s wise and fun-loving approach guides women to courageously connect to their purpose through their intuition and to level up their heart-centred businesses.
Candace’s trainings and coaching strategies, supports purpose-driven business women to make the impact and attract the wealth and recognition they desire by following intuitive wisdom.
Candace speaks and teaches not only on Intuition but also on Women & Worth, Wealth & Wellness.
Enjoy a free meditation on the Magic of Your Intuition: https://www.candacemckim.com/pl/5536

Charter for Compassion
On February 28, 2008 acclaimed scholar and bestselling author Karen Armstrong received the TED Prize and made a wish—to help create, launch, and propagate a Charter for Compassion. After much work and the contribution of thousands of people the Charter was unveiled to the world on November 12, 2009. The Council of Conscious helped to formulate the Charter for Compassion document.
In a Compassionate Community, the needs of all the inhabitants of that community are recognized and met, the well-being of the entire community is a priority, and all people and living things are treated with respect. More simply, in a Compassionate Community, people are motivated by compassion to take responsibility for and care for each other. A community where compassion is fully alive is a thriving, resilient community whose members are moved by empathy to take compassionate action, are able to confront crises with innovative solutions, are confident in navigating changes in the economy and the environment, and are resilient enough to bounce back readily from natural and man-made disasters.
Learn the steps towards becoming a Compassionate Community.

One Community
One Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit think tank. We are a 100%-volunteer organization and our mission is to help people create a better world by demonstrating a more sustainable and enriching way of living and open source everything needed for replication. This includes free-shared and “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
Combined, we will use these to build One Community as the first of many teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will form a global collaborative to provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier, more affordable, and creative duplication everywhere.
One Community believes in positive global change. As an organization, we embody this change in order to create the most profound and positive impact we can for “The Highest Good of All.” This includes all people and all life on this planet. We have 14 core values that we believe are keys to our success. We incorporate these values into every One Community goal and/or objective that we seek to accomplish. Our intent is to ensure that any result from accomplishing our goals has a positive effect on humanity and the world.

Tanis McRae
I am a Canadian self-help author, intuitive teacher, healer, keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator. I work with people all over North America via remote sessions and in person at my home base in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada in the beautifully named Peace Country.
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t determined to be a teacher, so after graduating high school I attended university and achieved a Bachelor of Education. I LOVE teaching! I taught in the traditional classroom for about 20 years and then I discovered something wonderful…
I discovered that I have the ability to be in the conscious creation of myself and my own health! It was a game changer!!!!
I was so inspired and enthusiastic about it, that I created my own business revolving around teaching others to consciously create their lives as well and The Healing I was born.