Aum Nicol
Joy of Infinite Possibilities
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Contact: Aum Nicol, Author
Email: aumnicol@sunarapress.com
New Novel Imagines Life After A Pandemic
A Vision of Human Accountability Through a Young Girl’s Journey
GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB, FEBRUARY 19, 2021— In her debut novel, Aum Nicol’s Lights Around Her: The Girl Who Sees Angels, explores life in the aftermath of a global pandemic. No doubt many living through the current coronavirus pandemic are asking, what does this all mean in the grand scheme of life?
Anyone daring to dream of a different world needs to be prepared for change. Imagination reveals possibilities when we confront any circumstance. The story exposes the future human race learning to take right action on behalf of the highest good for all.
Nicol paints current cultural and political details into the background scenery while crafting a visually-rich narrative that focuses on the incredible experiences, both miraculous and perilous, of a girl able to see angels. Understanding that people often wish for retribution against injustice, Nicol carefully weaves a warning throughout the story -that those who are particularly unjust, inhumane or cruel will discover something far worse than a viral pandemic.
Interestingly, this recently retired teacher began writing about a meteoric viral pandemic in 2018, but because of our Covid-19 reality, altered the story’s timeline to begin in the 2040’s. She believes the future is a blank slate where through the power of imagination, we can facilitate great change forwards the evolution of the human race.

Lights Around Her: The Girl Who Sees Angels is published by author-owned Sunara Press through KDP. It is available for purchase internationally through Amazon—Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Read more at www.aumnicol.com and on Facebook at Lights Around Her.
Only at the precipice do we evolve.
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)