Aum Nicol
Joy of Infinite Possibilities
Aum Nicol
Joy of Infinite Possibilities
Sunara Press
Aum Nicol founded Sunara Press in 2017. The name Sunara is ancient Sanskrit for Joy. The motto for the self-publishing company is the Joy of Infinite Possibilities. Nicol believes at every moment in life, and for every choice, there are unlimited opportunities. Her first goal is to print books that inspire introspection, empowers self-realization, and fosters empathy towards oneself and others’ Highest Good. Secondly, she desires to write from a joyful and playful imagination for children. She is up to the task of learning to wear all the hats of an Indie Writer/Publisher.
About the Book
Discover the bliss of meditation from four foundational gurus:
Sri Ramakrishna
Swami Paramahansa Yogananda
Sri Ramana Maharshi
Sri Ananadamayi Ma
Part 1: expand your awarness of the nuances of the gurus faith and the 5000-year-old cultural practice.
Part 2: through the gurus’ intense devotion, come to understand how your meditation practice can bring you closer to the Divine.
Gift of the Gurus
by Pearl Anjanee Gyan Ed. D.
Learn to meditate from four
foundational Gurus.
It’s like sitting with the gurus, learning about their lives, and about their meditational practices!
About the Author
Pearl A. Gyan completed a doctorate in leadership education from the University of San Diego and taught for 30 years in a small community in central Alberta, Canada. She became an instructor at Edmonton’s University of Alberta Faculty of Education. Her book Gift of the Gurus draws upon Gyan’s doctoral research on developing the inner self of students.
About the Book
In 2040, Jemmy Sterling is born able to see angels. It’s been 20 years since a deadly pandemic and this young girl is trying to cope with angels in her life. An organization learns of her gift when she is 7 years old and want to exploit her for their nefarious goals. When Jemmy turns 16, her angels want her to warn to world about something worse than a pandemic but the organization is on her heels. Can Jemmy escapte them and do her angel’s bidding?
Lights Around Her
by Aum Nicol
Discover what is needed for humanity
to live with a focus on the
Highest Good for All.
A visually-rich narrative that focuses on the incredible experiences, both miraculous and perilous, of a girl able to see angels.
About the Author
Aum Nicol is an accomplished teacher, now retired. She began writing about a pandemic in 2018 but changed the story line for it to occur in the past when the coronavirus swept the world. She writes to reveal possibilities towards a greater good, and for the enjoyment of children. She has self-published several books and is developing skills as an illustrator.